Believe it or not, LG has been in the foldable device news increasingly than Samsung lately. I know it’s odd, but it’s real. After discussing dual screen cases for a bit, we now go when to a rollable smartphone patent from LG, a double sided device that has just been patented. Of course, Letsgodigital is on the specimen and has renders for the unit.

We’ve once seen some dual or triple folding LG smartphones, but now it’s time for some next level approaches. After the Z Fold comes this idea, with a roll up exhibit that can wrench in two directions, in and out. It all comes courtesy of a diamond patent filed with the CNIPA (China National Intellectual Property Administration). It was published on August 9th and it was directly included in the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office) database.

18 sketches were moreover included. What’s really new here is that we’re getting the weightier of two worlds: regular screen and a truly foldable screen combined. Once then we get the idea of a scroll that rolls lanugo from the soul of a device, much like a Polaroid from a portable printer. The flexible screen can be wrapped virtually the housing, it seems and you get all the benefits of a dual (or triple) screen phone.

There’s no notch here, we get a full screen design. Come to think well-nigh it, we’re unquestionably getting too much screen here, if there’s moreover a exhibit at the when side. We don’t have a well-spoken mention of a swivel here, that’s why I mentioned a rollable scroll. When in April LG unquestionably submitted 5 trademark applications for names like LG Roll, Double Roll, Dual Roll, Bi Roll and Roll Canvas. Now it’s all coming together nicely.

Before that happens, will focus on a specimen with a second screen though…

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