LG's digital billboard in Times Square, New York displaying a video of Busan, South Korea to promote the municipality as a host to World Expo 2030Times Square, New York City

Since first taking the initiative of promoting Busan, Korea’s trappy port city, as the perfect host for World Expo 2030 early this year, LG Electronics has carried out various promotional events worldwide by leveraging its global network of 140 subsidiaries. Busan officially submitted its intentions to host World Expo 2030 last year, based on its theme: “Transforming Our World, Navigating Towards a Better Future,” which calls for a peaceful, sustainable future for all by talking well-nigh people, prosperity and the planet.

LG's digital billboard in Piccadilly Circus, London displaying a video of Busan, South Korea to promote the municipality as a host to World Expo 2030 Piccadilly Circus, London

Back in February, LG supposed its support for Busan with its campaign walk impactful promotional videos on its famous outdoor displays in New York’s Times Square, London’s Piccadilly Circus and other high-traffic locations virtually the world, each one showing why Busan should be the World Expo’s next destination. LG is executing the next phase of the wayfarers by introducing a new series of inspirational films at multiple locations, as the visitor strives to share the wonders of Busan to a truly global audience.

LG's digital billboard in Evian Resort Golf Club, France displaying a video of Busan, South Korea to promote the municipality as a host to World Expo 2030Evian Resort Golf Club, France

To ensure the wayfarers is a success, CEO William Cho now oversees a group-wide task gravity set up to champion the vibrant port city’s bid. Additionally, in July at The Amundi Evian Championship in France, LG endorsed Busan’s World Expo bid in front of the vision of golf fans from all over the world by screening its promotional video, ‘The One and Only Busan,’ on a giant billboard abreast the course’s clubhouse. Raising sensation of Busan’s bid in France was expressly important as this is where the General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), the soul that ultimately decides the location of World Expo 2030, will host its utterance event at the end of next year.

Partial view of Messe Berlin where promotional flags of LG logo and Busan's bid for World Expo 2030 were flying in front
IFA 2022, Berlin, Germany

Moreover, like it has washed-up at multiple prominent locations so far this year, LG recently installed over 160 banners at the archway of ‘Messe Berlin’ during IFA 2022, Europe’s largest consumer electronics show which was held from September 2 to 6, to make its visitors from virtually the world enlightened of Busan’s promising bid.

Heaven Lee, LG Electronics’ European representative, Franziska Giffey, mayor of Berlin, Kim Hyung-soo, president of LG Electronics Europe Region and Lee Jeong-seok, throne of LG Electronics’ Global Marketing Center.
(From left to right) Heaven Lee, LG Electronics’ European representative, Franziska Giffey, mayor of Berlin, Kim Hyung-soo, president of LG Electronics Europe Region and Lee Jeong-seok, throne of LG Electronics’ Global Marketing Center.

LG will proudly protract to support Busan’s bid to host World Expo 2030 by leveraging its sprawling global network. Stay tuned for increasingly impactful LG promotional campaigns for Busan!

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