The increasing trend of working from home and mobile work has widow increasingly pressure on organizations. Early investors in the processes and tools could ensure support with the minimal physical handling of mobile devices. Scalefusion explains how raising mobile device lifecycle management solutions help organizations proceeds increasingly tenancy over mobile devices, lower operational financing and increase employee productivity.

Mobile Device Lifecycle Management
Mobile Device Lifecycle Management

How the Mobile Device Lifecycle Works

Devices, like people, have life cycles. The lifecycle part of a product is wrenched lanugo into five stages–enrollment, provisioning, deployment, management, and retirement.

Stage 1 – Enrollment

Companies usually provide every employee with a standard device on the day they join the organization. They have to deal with a variety of phones, tablets, and PCs wideness multiple operating systems (Android, iOS/iPadOS, macOS, and Windows). Before companies can issue a device, expressly corporate-owned devices, the first stage is to set it up for device enrollment.

Device enrollment enables employees to wangle the company’s internal resources–apps, Wi-Fi, and email–from their mobile devices. During the enrollment process, the company’s device management policies are applied. Policies ensure the employee’s device and company’s data are secured from unauthorized access.

Stage 2 – Provisioning

Provisioning is the process of setting up a mobile device and making it misogynist for users for their specific use. The method connects the device to the organization. It establishes device ownership, personal or company-owned, and profile mode.

For example, companies usually provide employees with a mobile device on their first day at work. Then, whether in the office or at home, the employee receives the device, unboxes it, plugs it into the power, and logs in with their user credentials. In a few moments, the device is completely provisioned with settings and applications with the necessary level of access.

Stage 3 – Deployment

Once a mobile device is provisioned, deployment entails getting the device in the employee’s hands. Companies can hand them over in person at work or ship them to remote locations.

Stage 4 – Management

Device management is a crucial stage without completing the onboarding process. The rising adoption of remote work has compelled organizations to provide an updated and secure environment for end-user computing. With an easy-to-use MDM platform, like Scalefusion, IT departments can manage all of a company’s devices.

Device management goes vastitude managing device inventory, MDM solutions protect the onboarded device’s applications, data, and content. It enables the ongoing productivity of a workforce. For instance, IT administrators can remotely wangle users’ devices to fix hardware or software issues.

Stage 5 – Retirement

When a mobile device is lost, stolen, or simply out of commission, it’s time to retire it. Resetting the device, removing it from management, and wiping the corporate data are a few ways to retire a device.

Benefits of Mobile Device Lifecycle Management

Improved User Productivity

Devices that malfunction leads to reviviscence and directly impair employee productivity, making management the hair-trigger stage of device lifecycle management. MDM tools that full-length remote tenancy sufficiency can significantly reduce device troubleshooting time. Regular monitoring allows IT admins to discover device issues, resulting in preventive maintenance.

Reduced IT Workload

An IDC survey reveals that 50 percent of managers suspend too much time procuring and managing devices; 63 percent of IT professionals say resources tuckered by device management could be used on other strategic IT projects such as security. A device lifecycle management program eliminates the complexities of managing multiple vendors with holistic MDM tools.

The Role of MDM in Mobile Device Lifecycle Management

After enterprises procure the hardware devices, they must write the applications, content, rules, and security of the mobile devices. This is where device management solutions come in. Mobile Device Lifecycle Management should not be viewed as “that’s IT’s problem” when it affects merchantry operations. The pursuit points may help organizations identify and match merchantry needs with MDM objectives.

Business Objectives

Free up IT teams to focus on hair-trigger prioritiesSimplify device provisioning
Ensure data securityReduce device downtime
Make long-term forfeit savings and resource efficienciesMeet compliance targets
Attract, enable and retain a talent pool with a flexible mobile working cultureOffer ongoing support to remote employees
Implement mobile device strategy in the required time
Align the mobile device management objectives with merchantry strategy

MDM Partner Requirement Checklist

When it comes to choosing an MDM partner for managing mobility needs, there’s no set formula. Organizations have a significant investment in providing the weightier devices for their employees, setting them as per users’ needs, and quickly replacing lost and stolen devices.

An MDM solution provider should support these resources by fulfilling compliance needs, security policies, and managing performance throughout the lifetime of each onboarded device. Here is a unenduring but constructive checklist for IT managers and merchantry leaders to identify potential device management partners.

Compliance. Organizations squatter financial penalties for stuff non-compliant. The MDM tool should be worldly-wise to configure devices as per the company’s IT and security policy. It should ensure all devices are secure and only tried applications and websites are applied

Resources. The quality of without sales support can separate the right partners from the wrong ones. If they requirement to provide exemplary aftercare and support, ask for consumer reference

ROI. The right partner should be worldly-wise to offer flexible pricing models that suit your merchantry needs and be worldly-wise to forecast long-term savings. Scalefusion gives customers the option to preconfigure the batch size of their licenses. This option helps determine a upkeep and purchase licenses when needed.

Wrapping Up

IT leaders can no longer sire to unseat their teams with day-to-day legalistic work. They need to play a increasingly strategic role in managing devices. By partnering with an end-to-end solution provider, with robust MDM capabilities, they can focus on strategic initiatives.

The post Mobile Device Lifecycle Management: A Primer first appeared on Scalefusion Blog.